


pedagogical innovation, innovation, education, educational system, higher school, world tendencies, development


In the present article the analysis of scientific literature enabled to define innovative pedagogy not only as a science that studies essence, origin and patterns of development of pedagogical innovations, but also as a holistic social phenomenon in education that combines ideas and theories of various branches of science. The general problems of the support of the innovations in education are determined upon the foundation of the analysis of the modern state of introduction and extension of innovations and innovative education projects; their general characteristics are given. Modern ways to introduction of the innovations in the system of higher school in Ukraine are characterized. It is discovered that specifics of the up-to-day tendencies of the development of the higher school are caused by necessity of training of highly professional and competent specialist, the one, who correspond to new demands of the socio-cultural and information situation. It is outlined that modern innovative education is the surpassing education, the main peculiarity of which is working out of the advanced methods and means of the knowledge obtaining that form individuality in the information and education space of the common world. It is stressed upon the need of development of innovative activity of the higher school institutions, as well as necessity of its introduction by the members of the educational process on the basis of the word freedom and creativity, knowledge and information spreading, scientific researches and using of the results. It is mentioned that the main attention is drawn to the international integration of the system of higher school of Ukraine, and at the same time to preserving and development of the achievements of the progressive traditions of the national higher school. The importance of creation of the conditions for keeping, development and using of national scientific-technical and innovative potential; as well as cooperation of science, education, production and finance-credit clusters in development of innovating activity is underlined. The urgency of the problem of forming and spreading of innovations in pedagogical process, the necessity of determination of pedagogic innovative trends from the point of view of the modern world tendencies in the system of higher school is emphasized with understanding that modern humanistic and democratic dimensions of education have to assist to creation of integral educational system with advanced content and forms. The analysis of the methodological foundations of innovative pedagogy has been carried out; its object, subject, principles and regularities, and the terminology apparatus have been specified. The organisational and methodical provision of innovative pedagogy has been considered at the higher education level on the basis of identifying global trends of educational systems development. The example of the innovative educational project “English for Universities” initiated by the British Council and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has been provided. The above-mentioned project has been described as a procedure and a complex of measures of national and institutional character that ensure transition of the educational process to a qualitatively new level, in particular in the context of teaching and learning English for professional purposes. It has been revealed that the main condition for the introduction of innovative educational activities in higher education institutions is the appropriate training of academic and pedagogical staff.


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