


competence, competence, professional competence, medical worker, cognitive component, motivational component, personal component


The article investigates actual issues of future physicians’ professional competence in the process of educational activity. According to the changes in the political, economic, and social spheres of our country, the labor market requires the training of highly skilled specialists who have a high level of knowledge, skills and competences in a particular industry, could make decisions in standard and non-standard situations, bear responsibility for them in the professional activity. Therefore, we need workers who are to use modern teaching methods, computer technologies at higher educational institutions, which would develop active, communicative, cognitive activity of the student. That is why the important issue of the development and formation of today’s education is the use of a competent approach. The purpose of this article is to consider the professional competence essence of future physicians and to identify its component structure. The concept of "competence" in the article is considered from two points of view: in the learning process it is the result of learning, since in the process of studying any discipline, one who learns, internalize some competence, which are concrete knowledge and skills, acquires experience. Another point of view is professional activity, since it does not matter to the employer how the specialist carries out the process of solving the problem, he is not interested in what knowledge, skills and experience will be used by a specialists in solving a problem that arose before them, they are interested in a concrete result, that is why it is important that the specialists are ready and able to solve specific production problems and tasks. On the basis of the scientific works review given by domestic and foreign scholars, different approaches to the definition of the concepts "competence" and "professional competence" are considered, as they are not yet sufficiently defined by psychological and pedagogical literature. In addition, the article highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem. After reviewing the work of other scientists and analyzing the ethical code of the doctor, the content and structure of professional competence future physicians’ are determined, among which three main components are distinguished: cognitive (includes a set of knowledge about the nature and characteristics of the medical work); motivational (considered as a complex system that includes needs, ideals, goals that guide human activity); personal (determined by the formation of a personality characteristics set of a medical works, on which the effectiveness of their activity in the specialty depend).


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