discourse, text, linguistic discourse competence, text-discourse transformation, situational modeling technologyAbstract
The article deals with the formation of the linguistic discourse competence in foreign language, which is the basis of the complicated structure of the communicative competence. The analysis of the main downsides of the traditional supporting approach to foreign language teaching indicates that the linguistic knowledge of a language is often given more importance than practical skills and skills of the language usage itself. The negative consequence of the use of a traditional supportive approach to learning a foreign language is that the pupils remember a lot of theoretical material, being unable to apply their knowledge in practical communication. The methodologists and foreign language teachers should take into account the fact that communication is an active interaction of participants in the process, the purpose of which is often not purely linguistic, but interactive. The language acts only as a means of implementing this interaction, in which people, acting with the help of signs, organize their own communication in a joint activity. The linguistic discourse competence involves the speaker's ability to speak coherently expressing his or her own thoughts, producing an unlimited number of adequate sentences with the help of assimilated language signs and the rules of their combination. The components of linguistic discourse competence in foreign language communication are determined. The peculiarities of the formation of linguistic discourse competence in foreign language communication are demonstrated. There have been determined the methodical foundations of formation of the linguistic discourse competence in foreign language communication which consist in application of situational modeling technologies. The procedure of situational modeling during the foreign language classes at higher educational establishments has been developed and tested in practice. The application of various technologies of situational modeling creates the corresponding socio-cultural context, presenting the necessary communicative approach and serves as a means of providing interactive learning in the process of learning a foreign language.
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