



education paradigm, EFL teaching, legal paradigm, recipient, linguistic constituent


The objective of the present article is to analyse active transformations in the system of scientific views and ideas in the areas of linguistics, education (including university education), and jurisprudence. Globalization inevitably leads to the formation of a new integrated approach whose goal is the synthesis of the paradigms of scientific knowledge. Respectfully, the category of the paradigm of modern jurisprudence should also include a provision on the unity of concepts and categories in the existing international state and legal sphere. Socio-political, legal and economic changes taking place in Europe put the new function and the linguistic characteristics of the English language in the focus of linguistic studies as far as the new sociolinguistic environment is created by the European Community. The abovementioned factors lead to a revision of the paradigm of EFL teaching, particularly teaching those students earning their Law degree in universities of Ukraine. Since Ukraine is taking gradual steps to join the European Higher Education Area by means of European Credit Transfer System implementing, the authors of the article focus on some aspects which are relevant for figuring out renewed concept of foreign language acquisition of law students. This reflects not only current transformation in teaching ESP and law students training but ensures certain degree of flexibility for introducing potential innovations in this field according to synergetic and acmeological principles.


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