


information and communication technologies, interactive learning environment, computer simulation, New Ukrainian school, applied orientation, natural education


The article reveals essence of the applied orientation of school education. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the introduction of information and communication technologies in the practice of school work is determined. The application of such technologies in the educational process of the new Ukrainian school attaches special importance to the problem of strengthening the applied orientation of school natural education, development of computer-based ways of solving applied problems of industrial nature, filling the content of educational material with mathematical methods of displaying and processing information and reference support, etc. In order to visualize and define the system-creative relations of the concept of “applied orientation”, its structural and functional model which contains the main pedagogical objectives of school science education and possible ways to implement them is constructed. The pedagogical tasks reflect the goals of basic secondary education, as they present the main functions of the studied concept, determine its purpose and meaning of existence. Ways to implement the applied orientation are structural elements of the concept and reflect the actions and relationships in it. The main types of computer modeling used in IR support systems for teaching natural subjects, didactic possibilities of their use in teaching students of general secondary education are characterized. The analysis of interactive environments for solving applied problems using appropriate models is carried out. An algorithm for their design in various computer-aided design environments has been developed. Features of the formation of basic knowledge, practical skills in the use of measuring instruments, key competencies, cross-cutting skills and attitudes in computer-oriented environments are highlighted. In order to solve the tasks, the following methods and types of activities were used: the study of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, advanced pedagogical experience, the content of curricula, programs, textbooks, didactic manuals for school science subjects and computer science, modeling of educational activities with the use of information and communication technologies, conversations, questionnaires, interviews and expert evaluation; experimental teaching using the developed system of tasks and diagnostics of student achievements; analysis of the results of educational activities using ICT; pedagogical experiment and statistical data processing.


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