


informatisation, independence, distance learning, cognitive activity


It has been established that modern means of information dissemination are absolutely unlimited in size, speed and type of information broadcast, and the means of navigation "network space" provide the possibility for future teachers to access any remote source of information in order to solve the problem. Information and communication technologies contribute to the formation of important components of professional training and the achievement of strategic goals to improve the efficiency of all types of educational activities and, as a result, to improve the quality of training specialists with a new type of thinking, in accordance with the requirements of the modern information society. The main components of professional training of master’s students by means of information and communication technologies have been analyzed. It has been proved that the main purpose of information and communication technologies is to promote the effective teaching, bring more efficiency in educational process, enhance students’ cognitive abilities, increase motivation in learners to study, and develop the ability to make rational decisions in solving problems. The article reveals the peculiarities of master’s studying with the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies. The information environment is rapidly improving that allows master’s to form the information flow according to their interests in the field of informatisation. In the process of mastering the educational material, the formation of the motivational sphere of master's students is carried out through their attention not only to the importance of the educational component, but also through their professional activity in this specialty. However, in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process, modern information and communication technologies must be used as a complete independent product. It has been found out that the systematic and contextual use of information and communication technologies in the professional training of master’s students advances the professional knowledge and skills acquisition, as well as develops their practical skills and adds creativity to their learning and work. Therefore, the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies tools in the educational process depends on the success of solving methodological problems related to the information content and the way of using automated learning systems. The results of the research indicate that modern students show considerable interest in educational information and communication technologies. It means that the rejection of directive teaching style promotes students’ independence and provides favourable opportunities for free choice of educational components and style of learning.


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