


media education, media literacy, information literacy, educational process, competence, learning outcome, teaching quality


Obtaining information through the latest technologies and media channels actualizes the development, understanding, interpretation, integration into the educational process of ideas and content of media education. The result is media literacy / information literacy. Therefore, pedagogical, didactic and methodological aspects of the relevant discipline reflect the educational, cognitive, activity needs of a modern person. In this context, the approach by which teachers can share their own experience of teaching information literacy is relevant. During the discussion of content and formal aspects, learning outcomes and feedback, it is possible to form the optimal content and quality tools for use in dynamic educational circumstances. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the focus of the content of the elective course «Information Media Literacy» on the achievement of program learning outcomes and to analyze the feedback data obtained by surveying students. The research methodology is based on the basic competencies proposed in the project «Study and Distinguish: Information Media Literacy». The research used the methods of the survey group (including questionnaires), methods of analysis and generalization of collected data, elements of the quantitative method and forecasting. Infomedia literacy teaching is aimed at developing a critical orientation in a particular environment, the ability to interact effectively with it, the willingness to use the acquired knowledge and skills in various situations of interaction with the media. In the educational process of higher education, it is important to self-analyze the educational activities and find out the quality of teaching. Naturally, the formulation of learning outcomes according to certain criteria is mostly indicative. But even approximate indicators give grounds for conclusions about the level of knowledge acquisition, the development of skills and abilities and their prolongation in the life of an individual. One of the ways of self-analysis is a questionnaire, which was conducted among students of (non)pedagogical specialties of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University after studying infomedia literacy. The analysis of the received answers demonstrated a high level of interest in the content of the course and awareness of the competencies of media literacy, critical thinking, social tolerance, resilience, information and visual literacy, digital security, innovation. It also confirmed the effectiveness of the forms of cooperation and activities involved, outlined the range of issues and practices of the information sphere, which requires more attention in the future presentation of the course. It is concluded that the study of information literacy offers effective approaches and tools, the use of which provides identification, understanding, avoiding / overcoming threats to the information environment.


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